Assam has a population of 3.60 Crore (as of 2020) of which 62% are Hindus, 35% are Muslims and around 4% are Christians and the remaining comprise of Sikhs and Buddhists. The natives of the state of Assam are known as "Asomiya" or Assamese – which is also the name of their official language.
A large number of Asomiya people belong to Kachari group - these are ethnic groups that speak Assamese and Boro-Garo languages. The people of this group are further divided into 18 major tribal groups such as Boro, Dimasa, Chutia, Sonowal, Tiwa, Garo, Rabha, Sarania Kachari, Hajong, Tripuri, Deori, Thengal Kachari, Hojai, Koch, and some others. These people co-exist in Assam’s little towns and villages.
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