In the Indian state of Haryana's Fatehabad district, Tohana is both a city and a municipal council. 'Taushayana' is a Sanskrit word that gives rise to its name. The City of Canals is its nickna.
Places to visit
Firoz Shah Tughlaq: The Mughal emperor Humayun (1529–1556) constructed this mosque, also known as Humayun's mosque, where the Lat established by the Delhi Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlaq had previously stood. There is an open, oblong courtyard in the mosque. A screen made of Lakhauri bricks is located to the west of this mosque. The screen has two arched recesses on either side of a mihrab. This area contained an inscription extolling Emperor Humayun.
Distance: Firoz Shah Tughlaq is 71 kilometers away from Tohana
Lat (Stone) Pillar: Stone pillars are referred to as lat in Urdu. Emperor Ashoka actually constructed the stone pillar at Fatehabad, perhaps at Hisar or Agroha in Haryana. The Emperor Ashoka's Kirti Stambh was the name given to it. However, Firoz Shah Tughlak demolished the imposing pillar in keeping with the customs of earlier Muslim tughlaks who had exploited the materials from Hindu monuments to construct mosques and other Muslim buildings to honor their own names. The lower portion of the pillar was moved by Firoz Shah Tughlak to Fatehabad where it was utilized to construct another lintel. He carved his own family's history in Arabic script beside the ancient Ashokan epigraphs on the pillar. He brought the upper portion to Hisar and utilized it in a mosque there. The lintel, which stands 15.6 feet tall and has a base of 6 feet, was constructed next to an idgah or mosque in Fatehabad, inside Feroz Shah Tughlak's fort.
Distance: Lat (Stone) Pillar is 68 kilometers away from Tohana
How to Reach
By Air - Regular flights do not provide good access from Tohana to other significant cities in the nation. At a distance of 156 kilometers, the closest airport is in Ludhiana.
By Train - There are no consistent trains running to Tohana from other significant cities in the nation. With a distance of 21 kilometers, Gorakhpur has the closest railway station.